


During a chaotic era in politics, here is a tool to help you be prepared and informed for the unknown.

What is Project Prepare?

Project Prepare is a collection of journal prompts to help you learn about Project 2025 and prepare for the challenges ahead. This is not meant to be alarmist, we don’t know how much of any of this will or won’t pass. Setting the time aside to plan what your activism looks like will help turn anxious energy into a chance at change. It is free and you can start now, just click Topics and pick where you want to start. This is a marathon, not a sprint, set time aside weekly to tackle a topic and invest in your activism. Do this alone or with a friend for accountability.

You’ll need a pen & paper, or something to type on.


We’ll provide cliff notes of Project 2025 topics, from 25and.me, and provide additional resources if you want more starting points for research.


You’ll fill out journal prompts based on each topic (e.g. immigration or lgbtq rights). These cover how a topic impacts yourself and your community (e.g. how would proposed immigration changes impact my neighbor? My online gaming bestie? My kids?).


Label actions you can take now or later to help yourself and your community in the face of these changes (e.g. setting up a reoccurring donation today, or cooking some bulk meals for a friend if the government impacts their access to food stamps). Share your actions to have them added to this site!