
Project 2025 will target removing organizations and standards around protecting the environment and preventing environmental disasters.

Step 1: Learn

What is at risk

  • Increase use of coal, oil and natural gas (increasing greenhouse gases)

  • Weaken the Endangered Species Act

  • Prioritize economic growth over environment protection

  • Oppose agricultural practices that are considered “climate-smart”

  • Reduce federal governments role in addressing climate change & shift environmental policy making to states/localities

  • Restructure US Global Change Research Program

  • Withdraw from international agreements like Paris Agreement & UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

  • End funding for climate reparations (funding for developing countries to address climate change)

  • End use of social cost of carbon analysis (a means to measure the cost of economic damage of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere)

  • Eliminate government organizations focused on climate related issues (Clean Energy Corps, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, ARPA-E, and more)

  • End government focus on climate change + green subsidies

  • Remove energy efficiency standards for appliances

    Further Reading

     Sunrise Movement

Step 2: Plan


Think about how the proposed changes would impact yourself, your partner(s) and kid(s). Could you live with the implications? How will you fill the gap? Is there something you can do today to help prep, or something you can plan to do later in response to specific changes passing?

Some examples are:

  • Prep for natural disasters

  • Garden

  • Research and practice eco friendly practices (e.g. going vegetarian, composting)

  • Recycle?? is that real anymore? maybe via specific services

  • Commit to only purchasing energy efficient appliances

  • Pressure local gov to protect nature

  • Learn how + prep for natural disasters (earthquakes, wildfires, etc)


Pods are your close knit communities. Here’s more information about pods. Identifying who is in your pod is important to figure out how you can best help. Remember the ripple effect is powerful, helping keep your close ones afloat will help others as well. If someone in your pod is impacted by proposed changes, how can you help support them either now or in the future?

Some examples are:

  • Shared garden, help others with their garden

  • Help a friend prep, buy them an emergency supplies pack or attend a prep class with them

  • Make an emergency plan with your pod in case of natural disaster

  • Make an emergency plan if you have family/pod members outside your city/state experience a natural disaster (can they come stay with you, can you send them supplies, etc)


Community in the broad sense - your friends, neighbors, internet comrades, etc. Consider the places and ways you feel connected with the broader group and bring support. If your community is impacted by a proposed change, what can you offer to help?

Some examples are:

  • Setup a reoccurring donation to a related nonprofit.

  • Attend a neighborhood prep class for local natural disasters

  • Talk to your neighbors about natural disasters and plans

What examples can you think of that aren’t listed here? What resources did you use to help research?

Share here and I’ll add them to this page!