Most middle+lower class folks will pay more in taxes. The rich + corporations will pay less taxes, reducing services that the taxes pay for.
Step 1: Learn
What is at risk
Currently, we use 7 income tax brackets 10%-37%. The proposed change is for two brackets: 15% for anyone under 168k-ish, and 30% for those making above.
Reduce corporate tax rate even more to 18% (this means corporations can pocket the profits, and there is less tax money spent on the people)
Reduce capital gains rate to 15% (again, more money to rich ppl, less to taxes/the people)
Consider a national sales tax. (In addition to the state ones)
Tax employers who spend more than 12k per worker on benefits (incentives less benefits)
Step 2: Plan
Think about how the proposed changes would impact yourself, your partner(s) and kid(s). Could you live with the implications? How will you fill the gap? Is there something you can do today to help prep, or something you can plan to do later in response to specific changes passing?
Some examples are:
Budgeting & budgeting education
Pods are your close knit communities. Here’s more information about pods. Identifying who is in your pod is important to figure out how you can best help. Remember the ripple effect is powerful, helping keep your close ones afloat will help others as well. If someone in your pod is impacted by proposed changes, how can you help support them either now or in the future?
Some examples are:
Community in the broad sense - your friends, neighbors, internet comrades, etc. Consider the places and ways you feel connected with the broader group and bring support. If your community is impacted by a proposed change, what can you offer to help?
Some examples are:
What examples can you think of that aren’t listed here? What resources did you use to help research?
Share here and I’ll add them to this page!